#WAbikes on Instagram: 30 Days of Biking

We’re pleased that so many of you have responded to the 30 Days of Biking challenge! Last week we ran a post that captured some of the 30 Days buzz on Twitter. Today we’re featuring some of the #30daysofbiking images that have been shared with us on Instagram.

@that1tech, an everyday cyclist in Seattle, stopped to capture this lovely image of the Sonic Bloom art installation at Seattle Center while on a bike ride.

@corinnathegreat proudly announced, “I’m in!” for 30 Days of Biking and posted a Day One selfie of her ride.

@timheuer, an avid cyclist who does some pretty big rides, snapped a photo of these helpful directional signs in Gold Bar. He was on his way to Stevens Pass.

We reposted this image submitted by @k4sberg of a family ride near Sumner on Day Ten.

Sculptures must be popular with people who ride bikes. @astrbear shared this creative shot of her bike with its 30 Days of Biking spoke card in front of the Winging It art installation at the Martha Lake Airfield Community Park.

We love the biking stories and 30 Days of Biking images you are sharing with us on Instagram! Keep it up. And we’ll continue to share back. Follow us @WAbikes on Instagram and use the hashtag #WAbikes on your photos to ensure that we see them.

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Earth Month: Ride Your Bike

April is Earth Month and April 22 marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Riding your bike is a great way to honor and celebrate our planet. Here’s a sampling of some bike-related Earth Day and Earth Month activities:

April 18 – Earth Day Market Ride in Olympia. Organized by the Thurston County Bicycle Commuter Contest crew, this ride has multiple start points. Find one near you and join others for a bike ride to the Olympia Farmers Market. More details can be found on the BCC blog.

April 20 – Join Washington Bikes for Earth Week at the Latona Pub in Seattle. We’ll be on hand to share the bike love and hoist a pint of Hales beer. A portion of the proceeds will benefit our work to grow bicycling.

April 22Commuter Bike Train: Geographical Tour of Tacoma. Learn about the earth on this bike ride. Although not billed as an Earth Day event, this bike ride will offer Tacoma cyclists a peek at the city’s geology and geography.

April 22 – Celebrate Earth Day with a bike ride at your favorite Washington State Park! Entrance to state parks will be free on Earth Day.

Did we miss your bike-related Earth Day or Earth Month event? Please post it in the comments section for us.

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Connections for Kate

Young white blonde woman wearing red sweater with orange bicycle in front of a purple house with white trim

What keeps Kate from riding more often to more places? The need for more complete, connected bike networks.

“I just rode 9.7 miles! About to do it again on the way home. I feel like a SUPERWOMAN.” 

–Kate, Spokane, 24-year-old care team coordinator for a home health agency

Kate isn’t an everyday rider. Not even close. The exhilarating sensation of freedom and strength she felt riding her bike from Spokane to the Spokane Valley that day was a first for her.

She can’t really afford the old car she drives, with its constant repair bills, and bicycling supplemented with transit can give her more affordable transportation options.

What’s holding her back from riding more places more often?

Connections.  Or rather, missing connections. 

What Kinds of Connections?

The physical connections we’re working for right now in the legislature: complete, comfortable bike networks, trail projects, safer street designs around schools that slow drivers and create better neighborhoods.

The legislative connections we’re creating as we build new bipartisan bridges, make new legislative friends, connect in the state capitol for better bicycling.

The personal connections we create for advocates with our staff as resources to help you make a difference, and the inspiration from the Washington Bike Summit we just held last month that connected advocates with planners, engineers, elected officials, and leaders from the bicycle industry. (An event we’ll repeat every year.)


GiveBIG until midnight Tuesday May 5 to help us get more people like Kate rolling


What Bicycle Advocacy Means for People like Kate

Kate just isn’t willing to mix it up with too much traffic to get where she’s going, and Washington is home to so many like her. That’s what keeps us working so hard.

When the effective state advocacy of Washington Bikes grows investments in bicycling and walking—nearly $100 million in state funding in the last 10 years alone, thanks to your help—we make a real difference.

We keep at it because we’re a long way from getting all the would-be riders like Kate on bikes.

  • Too many signs that read “Bike Lane Ends.”
  • Too many unsafe intersections with signals that don’t detect bicycles.*
  • Too many gaps in trails that prevent us from having full regional networks.

YOU are the missing link. When you contact your legislators and support our ability to work in the legislature we can connect more people with the joy of riding. (Or should we say the superpower?)

If you’re in Spokane and spot Superwoman on a tangerine orange bike, take a minute to connect with Kate.

Take action now: Contact your legislators about the importance of investing in biking/walking connections.

Have a story to share about a great ride — or what could make it better? We’d love to tell it. Contact Louise.


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Celebrate Earth Week at Latona Pub With Us

earthweek latonaJoin Washington Bikes for an Earth Week event at the Latona Pub in Seattle!

The pub is hosting a series of Earth Week events and the one on Monday April 20 will benefit Washington Bikes. In honor of Mother Earth, a keg of Hale’s beer will be hand trucked to the Latona for a 7 PM celebration. We’ll be on hand to talk about our work and liberally spread the bike love. Thanks to the generosity of Latona Pub and Hale’s Brewing, a portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to us to support our work.

The Latona Pub has been celebrating Earth Day and Earth Week with keg walking events for five years. The core of the celebration is delivering beer to the pub in a non-motorized fashion, typically on foot or by bike. Last year 26 kegs were delivered to the pub in this fashion.

Washington Bikes Earth Week Benefit
April 20 at 7 PM
Latona Pub
6423 Latona Ave NE, Seattle 98115


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Action Alert: Take the Next Step to Invest in Our Children

The Senate and House transportation revenue package proposals each take important steps to investing in biking and walking connections across the state. Still more work can be done to take the next step to invest in locally driven school safety projects that make kids safe and healthy. Send your legislators a note of thanks that also reminds them work remains to take the next step to invest in our children.

Every child in Washington state deserves the chance to safely walk and bike to their school – it’s something an overwhelming number of Washington voters agree with. Recent surveys tell us what we already know – investing in safe walking and biking remains a priority across the state.

For over two months House and Senate transportation leaders have worked to craft new revenue proposals that include critical safe biking and walking investments. In February, the Senate proposal took an important step in recognizing the value of Safe Routes to Schools and Biking and Walking Safety grant programs by including them in their proposal. And on Tuesday night, the House Transportation Committee voted for a proposal that takes a great step forward in increasing funding in safe biking and walking connections across the state.

Let's give these kids healthy & safe routes to school!

Let’s give these kids healthy & safe routes to school!

The most recent proposal connects gaps in some of our biggest cities, including Tacoma, Spokane and Seattle, as well as smaller cities including Anacortes, Milton, and University Place. It recognizes that state walking and biking connections are critical by establishing a $100 million project fund. It also adds more investments, notably to a grant program that improves biking and walking safety. These walking and biking investments represent an approximately $236 million foundation over a 16-year timeframe.

These increases are important and worth supporting. Still, more can still be done to invest in the state’s Safe Routes to School grant program. Currently only 1 in 4 projects are getting funded. With a modest increase from the proposal at hand, we can enable more locally-driven school safety projects to reach completion. These school district and local jurisdiction-led projects make infrastructure and educational improvements that make kids safe and healthy.

We think it’s possible.

Now it’s your time to thank legislators and ask them to support the House proposal’s investment levels for biking and walking, and to remind the legislature that their work is not done. We are so close to making more school safety projects a reality.

Take 30 seconds today to send the below letter to thank your state legislators and remind them that every child in Washington state deserves the chance to safely bike and walk to school. Let’s take that next step to invest in our children.

Send the letter today!

Posted in Advocacy, Alert, Funding/Policy, Infrastructure, Issues & Advocacy, Kids, Legislature, News, Politics, Safe Routes to School, Safety, Transportation | Comments Off on Action Alert: Take the Next Step to Invest in Our Children

Legislature Approves Bill to Grow Outdoor Recreation

On Tuesday, the Washington State House of Representatives passed Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5843 that includes recommendations from the Governor’s Task Force on Parks and Outdoor Recreation, which Washington Bikes Executive Director Barb Chamberlain co-chaired.

For those of us who love to get out on rural roads, or meandering trails across Washington state, it’s clear how important outdoor recreation is to the way of life of many Washingtonians. The enjoyment bicycle riders get is only one component of outdoor recreation in our state. It’s a huge element of our economy, too.

Outdoor recreation on a bike.

Outdoor recreation on a bike.

A January study, Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State, commissioned by the recently completed Task Force on Parks and Outdoor Recreation that was co-chaired by Washington Bikes Executive Director Barb Chamberlain, illustrates the significant economic impact of bicycling in Washington state.

Among the highlights:

  • Bicycle riding is #3 in recreational activities by total expenditures in Washington state with over $3.1 billion spent statewide.
  • Bicycle riding comes in as the fourth biggest recreational activity by measuring the total number of participant days occurring in Washington state.
  • As compared to many activities where equipment purchases provide the significant economic impact to their activity,  bicycle riders’ trip-related expenditures account for a whopping 96% of the economic impact of bicycling. This means that bicyclists like to contribute to local economies via shopping, lodgings, and eating. It underscores that bicyclists are “wallets on wheels.”
  • In total, Washington state residents and visitors  spend $21.6 billion per year on outdoor recreation trips and equipment, which translates to nearly 200,000 jobs in the state.

[Tweet “Bicycle riders in WA spend over $3.1 B/year – third largest rec activity by $$ spent.”]

Not only does the economic analysis by Earth Economics of Tacoma show the benefits of bicycle riding, but it also underscores an important economic development dynamic for outdoor recreation in Washington state:

“These results show that outdoor recreation markets play an important role bridging urban and rural communities. The recreation market is unquestionably one of the largest markets in the state for moving income from urban to rural areas and building sustainable jobs in rural Washington State”

So it’s fitting to see the state legislature recognize the huge impact of outdoor recreation by implementing some of the key recommendations of the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Task Force through the passage of ESSB 5843. Among two of the key components of the legislation are to:

  • establish an outdoor recreation sector lead in the Governor’s Office; and
  • to make important changes to the “No Child Left Inside” grant program to get our youth outdoors.

Creating a sector lead in the Governor’s office is especially valuable in Washington because the state as a whole lacks a state-driven tourism office. This lead can help cultivate and grow the vibrant outdoor recreation economy and by extension bicycle travel and tourism. We at Washington Bikes are happy to have helped get this important legislation to the Governor’s office for signature.

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#30DaysofBiking: Nearing the Halfway Mark

We put the challenge out there and you responded. Tracking posts from the first 2 weeks shows people riding more places, more often, despite snapped spokes, suicidal squirrels, and other (mis)adventures.

30 People Riding for the First Time: Who’s In?

We love the alternative suggested by Matt Newport of Tacoma Bike Ranch and are hoping some of you will organize this kind of event, maybe as a fitting halfway mark or April 30 celebration to roll into National Bike Month:

Then there’s the “why #30days” view:

Meanwhile, for those who are riding and tagging, here’s what you had to say.

If you missed out on the start of 30 Days of Biking, don’t let that keep you from making your own kind of pledge to get out there and ride if that helps motivate you or gives you an excuse that might inspire a friend. Next up: National Bike Challenge during May, National Bicycle Month. Stay tuned.
(Wondering how people find out about these things? Reading our e-news is one way. Sign up now.)
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Money Time! *

Less than two weeks remain in the 2015 State Legislative Session. Whether or not the State Legislature ends on April 26 and doesn’t go to special session is largely about agreeing on revenues and spending priorities. As session comes down to the wire, Washington Bikes continues to track several key issues that impact bicycle investments statewide.

After almost three months where discussions about policies have been at the forefront, the budgets that have been brewing for the same time in Committee offices are finally seeing the light-of-day. Following Wednesday’s release of the Senate Capital Budget, both chambers’ three budgets (operating, capital, and transportation) are now public. In addition, the Senate Transportation Committee released its version of a multi-year, multi-billion transportation revenue package  in mid-February and the House version appears imminent.

traffic signal showing red light

SSB 5438 passed in the House and Senate will help bicycle riders address broken red lights.

Following Washington Bikes’ success in passing the Dead Red bill that provides a solution for bicycle riders that encounter broken red lights, it’s time to follow the money.

Transportation Revenue Package

Transportation stakeholders are eagerly awaiting the House Transportation Committee chair’s release of a transportation spending package. Reports now indicate a release as early as Monday or Tuesday. Following the expected release of the House proposal, negotiators from the House and Senate will likely begin negotiations between their two proposals.

Washington Bikes, American Heart Association, Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition, and over 40 other organizations are asking for increased and sustained funding for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Safe Routes to School Grant Programs. This proposal would begin to address some, but not all of the backlog where on average only one out of four Safe Routes to School projects and a little over 10% of the Bicycle and Pedestrian projects are funded.

If you haven’t already, go take less than 60 seconds to sign the Washington Bikes letter requesting greater investments in biking and safety and send it to your state representatives right away.

2015-17 Biennial Transportation Budget

The first week of April saw almost simultaneous releases of the House and Senate budgets for the 2015-17 biennial transportation budget. These proposals are for the base two-year state budget for transportation spending. Due to the increasing financing costs due to past bonding from the 2003 and 2005 gas tax increases, the biennial transportation continues to become more austere.

Safe Routes to School and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant Programs felt the impact of these continuing budget cuts. The House Transportation budget, which passed in the House on Thursday night, invests a little over $21 million in these two grant programs. That’s down from a 13-15 high of $30.45 million. The source of decline? An end to $4 million in 2005 gas tax dollars and the lack of passage of Senator Andy Billig’s legislation to establish a floor for federal investments. The Senate version of the biennial budget did not pass out of its Committee.

2015-17 Capital Budget

The Capital Budget is important for Washington Bikes because of individual capital budget requests, as well as the Trail Projects category in the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP).Rocky-Reach-Trail-Phase-I-Ribbon-Cutting-south-from-Lincoln-Rock-State-Park-Wenatchee-pic-by-Complete-the-Loop-Coalition

An encouraging feature out of both the House and Senate Capital Budgets is they fund WWRP at relatively high numbers – $75 million and $68 million respectively.

Where the budgets diverge is that the House version follows the funding formula identified in WWRP’s statute, but the Senate chose to “pause” on the WWRP formula in the 2015-17 biennium to continue discussions over a maintenance backlog on property acquisition and to also attempt to address the high demand for parks and trails in WWRP. The result of the Senate proposal is that multi-use trails are funded at a much higher rate, but habitat and property acquisitions are not.

Washington Bikes is continuing to work with our partners and legislators to understand this change and to address the potential shift in investments as the negotiations over the final Capital Budget continue.

Next Steps

With a likely imminent release of the House’s version of the transportation revenue package, follow Washington Bikes on Twitter, Facebook, and this site for updates and action alerts to write your legislators.

Thanks for your support of Washington Bikes – keep in touch by signing up on our mailing list and help us continue our legislative work by donating here.

* Credit for this post’s title goes to a subtitle in Senator Andy Billig’s most recent newsletter – it was a title we couldn’t resist.

Posted in Advocacy, Funding/Policy, Infrastructure, Issues & Advocacy, Legislature, News, Politics, Safe Routes to School, Trails, Transportation | Comments Off on Money Time! *

Spokane Bicycle Club helps keep Reardan rolling

A big thank you goes out to members of the Spokane Bicycle Club and two excellent bike mechanics from North Division Bicycles and Wheel Sport. Last weekend they took a few hours of their day to tune up the bicycle fleet used by Reardan-Edwall School District to teach the Bike and Pedestrian Safety Education Program.


(Left to Right) Garry Kehr, Dan Nordendale (North Division), Nate Espinosa (Wheel Sport), Eric Henningsen, Norma Baker, John Beaton, Harry Stickney, Gary Reymers, David Zack. Stacey Kobes is missing from the photo because she had to leave for another appointment (on her bike, of course)

These 32 bikes go through a lot in a school year. Each bike gets used by dozens of middle school students who learn bike handling skills and traffic rules. It is not unusual for a class to have a few students who have not yet had the opportunity to learn how to ride. These bikes help teach the next generation how to be safe, learn a lifelong skill, and have more transportation independence.

It is essential to the longevity of the program that the bikes are safe and keep rolling. Every season before students ride the bikes, 64 tubes need re-inflated, 32 chains need cleaned and lubed, 64 brakes need tested, 128 brake pads may need adjusted, and 32 derailleurs need checked out and tweaked. That’s a lot of parts to look at!


In many districts, all this is done by an amazing teacher or staff person at the school, all out of the goodness of their heart and dedication to helping kids ride bikes. In some districts, when they have the funds, a bike shop is hired to maintain the bikes. And a few places have community groups like Spokane Bicycle Club who volunteer to tune up the bikes.

Eight Spokane Bicycle Club members and two excellent bike mechanics from our sponsors, North Division Bicycles and Wheel Sport came together on a Friday to tune up the bikes. The mechanics from North Division and Wheel Sport were an essential addition to the Spokane Bicycle Club volunteers. They helped in tackling bicycles needing repair that were beyond “backyard mechanic” skills.

Garry Kehr, the president of SBC, provided these thoughts:
“Spokane Bicycle Club believes in being a contributing part of a larger community. Specifically, we believe in the mission and work of Safe Routes to Schools, including efforts in Spokane like Walking School Bus and Walk, Bike, Bus programs that encourage more youth and adults to walk and bike for transportation. These program train young parents and kids that walking and bicycling are safe, healthy and fun. Ultimately we all get a pay back in a cleaner environment, less traffic congestion and a healthier population that puts less strain on the medical system. Additionally, doing these kinds of community projects helps our club be a closer and more vibrant club. We all win by supporting one another.”
This community support is a great asset to schools around the state and the whole bike movement. More and more community groups are coming together to support bike programs as more school districts have bike fleets and teach bike safety skills. Thank you Spokane Bicycle Club.
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We Did It! Dead Red Bill Passes in Legislature – Moves to Governor’s Desk

This morning Substitute Senate Bill (SSB) 5438, aka the Dead Red Bill, was pulled in the House Rules Committee and by the afternoon the House of Representatives passed it on the floor by a bipartisan vote of 78-19. Next this legislation that provides bicycle riders a safe and reasonable procedure to proceed through broken traffic signals that fail to detect bicycles moves to the Governor’s desk.

Barely over a year ago at the signing ceremony for SB 5141 Governor Inslee wondered aloud as to why bicycle riders were not included in legislation allowing motorcycle riders to address traffic signals that are broken. Now SSB 5438, which now provides riders of bicycles and electric-assist bicycles the same provisions to address faulty traffic infrastructure, will head to his desk to be signed into law.

traffic signal showing red light

SSB 5438 passed in the House and Senate will help bicycle riders address broken red lights.

SSB 5438 builds on legislation passed in 2014 allowing for motorcycles to stop and proceed or make left-hand turns through traffic control signals that do not detect motorcycles under certain very limited conditions with a specific protocol that is clear and understood by law enforcement.

In the Senate Transportation Committee, the bill was amended to make some improvements, including accounting for carbon fiber bikes that are even more challenging for many traffic signals to detect than standard metal frames. It also provides the same provision for moped users to address broken red lights.

Washington Bikes thanks Senator Curtis King (R-Yakima) for his sponsorship of SSB 5438 and continuing support of legislation that improves predictability and gives bicycle riders a clear protocol for dealing with faulty transportation infrastructure that doesn’t detect their bikes.

SB 5438 builds upon legislation passed in 2009 and led by Washington Bikes, with the help of the Washington Road Riders, that requires all jurisdictions to make traffic signals detect bicycles and motorcycles (subject to the availability of funds), if they are undergoing maintenance (also, with priority to complaints made), and if they are installed after July 26, 2009.

“Ultimately,” says Washington Bikes Executive Director, Barb Chamberlain, “we at Washington Bikes hope there comes a time when all traffic signals detect bicycles and motorcycles and this new law becomes moot. Until then, bicycle riders and motorcyclists should have a safe and clear protocol for how to address broken red lights.”

[Tweet “Thx #waleg for passing bill to address broken traffic signals. I’m w/@WAbikes on this.”]

And always, if you get stuck at a red light, call, email, or Tweet it in to the city, county, or state transportation department in charge so they can fix it according to state law.

Take Action Today for Greater Investments in Biking

With only weeks remaining in the 2015 legislative session, Washington Bikes and its supporters are turning their attention to the transportation revenue package.

Right now in the House of Representatives budget negotiations are in full swing to spend billions of additional dollars on transportation.

Unfortunately, there’s a good chance that little to no new money will go to walking and biking connections and programs to help children walk and bike to school with the safety they deserve.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Join us and tell your Representatives to make a difference for a generation by prioritizing funding for Safe Routes to School and Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Mobility investments.

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