Two County Double Metric Century: Ride Thurston and Lewis Counties June 28

Guest blogger Stephanie Randolph is a member of the Capital Bicycling Club.

2CountySimpleBannerIf you’ve ridden the Two County Double Metric before, you’re bound to enjoy some improvements in 2015. This is Capital Bicycling Club’s 33rd year hosting the Two County, and the ride has exciting updates to the routes and new finish-line entertainment and food to make the ride even better. Register discount available through June 21.

The Two County is starting again from the Tumwater City Hall, after a great experience there in 2014. It’s a beautiful spot with lots of free parking and low traffic on the weekend. Many people say they enjoy the roads on the Two County, so the well-marked and fully-supported routes will once again take you through the most scenic and friendly roads in Thurston and Lewis counties.

Club president Bill Stevenson has added a 50-mile loop and revised the two longest loops, so you can explore a little more of Independence Valley and beyond. And of course, the new routes includes some great climbs and descents. All routes are posted online.

The event planning team asked riders what they’d change about the ride, and the response was an almost unanimous request for a celebration and more good food at the finish line. You can join your friends at the finish line for food from your choice of several food trucks, listen to live music, and even get a massage from one of the trained massage therapists at the festival.

Ride the Two County to kick off your summer riding, or as final training before STP. You can expect friendly, helpful people and great food at every stop and along the way.

About the Capital Bicycling Club: The nonprofit Capital Bicycling Club has been a mainstay of the cycling community in the South Puget Sound region for nearly forty years. A 100% volunteer-run organization, CBC advocates real change in the community to benefit cyclists of all types. The club uses funds raised from the Two County to support cycling initiatives such as legislative advocacy with Washington Bikes, regular ride events, the Thurston County bicycle map, the Bicycle Commuter Contest, and many other community activities related to cycling. Visit the Capital Bicycling Club website for more ride information, or email

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