
We’re Driving Less

Are you driving less?  A recent Sightline post reports that traffic volumes are on the […]

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Bicycle Ballet—The Aesthetics of Cycling

Here at the Bike Alliance, we tend to focus on political and policy issues and […]

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Why We Ride

James Fallows of the Atlantic is immersed in research for his next book and has […]

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Thoughts on using my bike more often

Today’s blog post was submitted by Kristi Moen, a Bicycle Alliance member and volunteer.  She […]

Also posted in Commuting, Go By Bike, Guest Blogger, Sustainable Living, Transportation | 1 Comment

Gravity, Bike Lanes and the Limits of Vehicular Cycling

Today’s post with accompanying photos was submitted by Mark Davison. Mark has been cycling in […]

Also posted in Advocacy, Bike Culture, Education, Guest Blogger, Infrastructure, Safety, Seattle | 11 Comments

Distracted Driving Law: Relationship-building pays off

Today’s post was submitted by Doug Cantwell, a media professional and bicyclist who lives in […]

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A Pledge for Bicyclists and Motorists

As a bicyclist, I: Will ride predictably and follow the rules of the road. Won’t […]

Also posted in Bike Culture, Safety, Share the Road | 3 Comments

Drive Nice, Tacoma

A catchy public awareness campaign is reminding Tacoma motorists to share the road with bicyclists, […]

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Top 10 Reasons to make a year-end donation to the Bicycle Alliance

(Thanks to Development Director JoAnn Yoshimoto for compiling this list!) 10. We help to educate […]

Also posted in Advocacy, Funding/Policy, Issues & Advocacy, Safe Routes to School, Safety, Share the Road, Transportation | Comments Off on Top 10 Reasons to make a year-end donation to the Bicycle Alliance

The Great Helmet Debate Burden Do you wear a helmet when you ride? Should you wear a helmet […]

Also posted in Safety | 4 Comments