It’s crunch time in Olympia

Act now and let your legislators know it’s time to hold the line on critical biking investments in the statewide transportation spending package.

Legislators in Olympia have just days before a partial government shutdown begins. Months of negotiating transportation spending that will decide where billions of dollars go over the next 16 years could conclude in the next week. Will legislators invest in safer streets and better bike connections?

Tell your legislators to hold the line at the House Transportation Committee proposal. It sets a new foundation for biking and walking investments at approximately $236 million over 16 years.*

Take Action to hold the line on biking investments

It’s important that legislators hear from you today that it’s time to hold the line investments for school safety projects, critical regional biking connections, and important trail and Main Streets that grow local economies.

Cost-effective and important biking and walking investments are worth supporting because every person in Washington state deserves the chance to bike and walk safely on the streets of your hometowns and in between.

Join us at Washington Bikes today to ask legislators to hold the line.


* Interested in more details about the House Transportation Committee proposal?

  • Here’s the House Transportation Committee bicycle and pedestrian project list, which currently has $80 million of proposed projects allocated and $20 million unallocated. It includes Spokane’s University District Bridge, Anacortes’s Guemes Channel Trail, the Northgate Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge, and improvements to the Burke Gilman Trail.
  • Also, the House Transportation Committee proposal includes $56 million in new investments for the WSDOT Safe Routes to School grant program and $75 million for the WSDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian grant program. It’s important to note that these are additive investments to already-existing state commitments to these two grant programs.
  • Finally, $5 million is allocated to Puget Sound Bike Share (aka, Pronto!) expansion on the east side of Lake Washington.


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