Last Week to Comment: Does Your Safety Count?

If they don’t count, it doesn’t count. Unfortunately in Washington state and on the federal level, no requirements exist to develop strong robust performance measures around non-motorized safety. Comment before June 30 to tell the US Department of Transportation that Safety Counts!

As cyclists, we know about safety. It’s a constant topic of conversation: how best to be seen, the best route to take, and words of concern (“bike safe!”) we often hear from friends and family before a ride.

Yet despite all the talk and worry about bicycling safety, there’s rarely accountability at the state and federal levels of government to find solutions to prevent bicycling injuries or deaths.

In Washington state, while serious injuries and deaths are on the decline for many motor-vehicle  incidents, we’re falling short of our state’s “Target Zero” goal of zero deaths and serious injuries by 2030 for those that walk and bike.

Their safety needs to count, too. Cynecki

Their safety needs to count, too. Cynecki

Now’s your last chance to begin to change this. The US Department of Transportation is now in its final week of accepting comments on its plan to measure whether or not the nation’s transportation system is working for all Americans.  Unfortunately, its first draft fails to include any goal, accountability, or requirements to reduce the 16% of all fatal crashes that include people who bike and walk.

Tell the US Department of Transportation  that safety counts and improving bicycling safety should count, too.

The US Department of Transportation needs to hear from you today. Let them know that safety for bicycling counts.

In addition to their helpful letter writing tool, the League of American Bicyclists has provided additional background on why we need to do better to count bicyclists and improve our transportation system for everyone.

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