Kidical Mass: Kids are traffic too Cynecki

Parents who bike often want to share the cycling experience with their youngsters. Kidical Mass provides them with a fun, safe and social way to do it.

The first Kidical Mass was launched in 2008 in Eugene, Oregon, and it has since spread to over two dozen communities—including several in our state. These bike rides through a neighborhood or community are kid-friendly, not very long, and often feature stops at someplace fun.

Kidical Mass rides offer children a safe and friendly environment to learn how to ride their bikes. It also increases public awareness and visibility of family biking. Kidical Mass is not a Critical Mass for kids—these rides are law abiding rides and meant to teach children how to safely ride on streets and trails.

Seattle has had an established Kidical Mass group for several years now and they organize monthly rides around the city. Spokane will hold its first Kidical Mass ride tomorrow, and Tacoma launches a Kidical Mass ride in May.

Interested in starting a Kidical Mass ride in your community? Check their FAQs for tips on how to get a ride started, then invite the kids and their parents!

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  1. […] you want to spend some time biking with your kids? Then Kidical Mass is the group for you! Launched in Eugene, OR in 2008, the Kidical Mass movement is spreading […]