Support Complete Streets for Spokane

All of us use streets, right?  We use streets to get to work, school, run errands, and to visit family and friends.  Sometimes we move around our community in cars, but we also use transit, walk and bike on our streets.  And sometimes we reach our destination using a combination of these modes.  So it stands to reason that we want streets that safely accommodate us whether we’re walking, biking, taking transit or driving a vehicle.
Many folks in Spokane have that expectation.  A steadily growing group of Complete Streets advocates in that community convinced Spokane City Council to pass a resolution in April 2010 to develop a Complete Streets ordinance.  Great news!  Sadly, over a year later, citizens are still waiting for City Council to enact the ordinance.
Complete Streets Spokane advocates are turning up the heat.  They are circulating an online petition urging City Council members to pass the Complete Streets ordinance.  They have also created a Complete Streets Spokane II group on Facebook.
Washington Bikes was one of the first groups to raise the Complete Streets banner in our state and we encourage our Spokane members to sign the petition.
This article was posted in Accessibility, Attitudes, Complete Streets, Funding/Policy, Politics, Spokane County, Transportation. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments with the RSS feed for this post. Both comments and trackbacks are closed.

One Comment

  1. Posted November 16, 2011 at 2:44 am | Permalink

    Thanks for spreading the word! Post on my blog gives a bit more information about the last street bond and how important it is to get a real Complete Streets policy:

    It also includes a link to the petition.

    Barb Chamberlain
    Founding Chair, Spokane Bikes (formerly Bike to Work Spokane)