I Bike: Jon Snyder

Jon Snyder of Spokane is the founder and owner of the publication Out There Monthly, a family man, and he rides his bike for everyday transportation.  He also happens to be a member of Spokane City Council.

Photo by Ben Tobin.

Working two jobs and raising two young kids does not give Jon much time for recreational pursuits, which is why he likes to use his bike for transportation.  He believes Spokane is a great city for cycling and he rides his bike year round in all sorts of weather.

“Biking keeps me alive and it’s a funny thing to say since I do almost all of my cycling in traffic on urban streets that many folks think are dangerous,” Jon commented.  “But as a city councilman and small business owner, the more dangerous choice is not being healthy and not being in touch with my surroundings.”

Jon helped champion the passage of the City’s Complete Streets resolution earlier this year.  He’s a member of the Bicycle Alliance and proudly sports Share the Road license plate number 230 on his vehicle.

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One Comment

  1. Michael
    Posted August 10, 2010 at 2:43 pm | Permalink

    Jon is an important presence on Spokane's City Council.