Let’s Move Seattle

Seattle’s transportation levy on the November ballot will push Seattle forward in improving biking and safety citywide.

Seattleites this fall have a chance to make historic investments for better biking and safer streets citywide. November’s ballot features the renewal of the nine-year Seattle transportation levy. It’s called Let’s Move Seattle and it takes a huge step forward in making a city that works for residents and visitors alike. logo

To ensure its passage, we need you to get involved in the Let’s Move Seattle campaign!

The Let’s Move Seattle levy will improve Seattle’s transportation system in three key ways:

  1. More transportation choices to improve mobility – Levy dollars will go to critical projects, like the Northgate biking and walking bridge, as well as hundreds of additional mobility improvements across Seattle.
  2. A focus on safety – Investments will improve safety in every Seattle neighborhood, notably Safe Routes to School improvements at every public school, as well as funding to keep implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan on track.
  3. Taking care of what we have – Since no one likes potholes or unsafe bridges, the nine-year levy fixes existing infrastructure, too.

Let’s Move Seattle makes Seattle safer and more accessible whether you bike, drive, take transit, or walk. Take a look and see the great projects slated to be built in your neighborhood.

The campaign is just getting started and the Let’s Move Seattle levy team needs you to get involved today. While you’re there, endorse the levy by adding your name on the Endorsements tab.

Let’s make 2015 a year to remember for better biking in the Emerald City. Let’s Move Seattle!

Is your town considering a local transportation measure that would improve bicycling? We want to know about it so we can help spread the word. Contact Blake Trask, blake@WAbikes.org. 

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One Comment

  1. john peck
    Posted August 16, 2015 at 9:58 am | Permalink

    Seattle needs to make buses accommodate more
    bikes. many people who drive would use
    public transit if there were a better way
    to get bikes to destinations not on routes.
    The Netherlands has taken amazing steps on
    behalf of cyclists, but it’s flat. Imagine
    if there were some like ski lifts or design-
    ated buses the could get bikes to the hilltop, one could ride almost anywhere in
    the seattle metro area with ease.