Washington Bikes 2016 Ballot Measure Endorsements Released

You’re celebrating the election of a bicycle-champion official. You’re biking down a newly installed protected bike lane that connects two sections of town. Your town is named a Bicycle Friendly Community and you can see why. This happens because local bike leaders and Washington Bikes collaborate in identifying and promoting bicycle-friendly policies and investments that make bicycling safer and more accessible. You’re part of a community where your voice is not only heard, but acted upon.

Following the 2016 merger of Cascade Bicycle Club (becoming a 501(c)(3) organization) and Washington Bikes (emerging as a 501(c)(4) organization), Washington Bikes assumed all endorsements and electoral responsibilities for bicycling statewide. Additionally, Washington Bikes will continue to be the voice of bicycling in Olympia.

For the 2016 General Election, Washington Bikes endorses the following ballot measures:

Regional Proposition 1: Sound Transit 3

A $54 billion plan that would build 62 miles of light rail, additional bus rapid transit improvements, and approximately $270 million in biking and walking access improvements at and around stations, as well as a $100 million access fund that would build biking and walking improvements systemwide. Additionally, future revenues through managed parking will be directed toward making it easier to walk and bike to transit. Regional Prop. 1 is an opportunity to connect Everett to Tacoma, Seattle to Redmond, and all the communities in between with 116 miles of Sound Transit light rail, commuter rail, bus rapid transit and express buses.

From now until election day, we’re working with our affiliate organization, Cascade Bicycle Club, and calling on volunteers like you to help spread the word to voters all around the region by encouraging them to vote “yes” on Prop 1!

Bellevue Transportation Levy

The Bellevue Transportation Levy is a 20-year property tax levy that would raise approximately $140 million for neighborhood safety, connectivity, congestion improvement, sidewalk, bicycle, technology and maintenance needs. Notably, this levy would improve the potential for investments in Bellevue’s Bicycle Network.

Kenmore “Walkways & Waterways” Bond Measure

Kenmore “Walkways & Waterways” Bond Measure is a $19.75 million bond measure would invest in 5 significant bicycle and pedestrian and placemaking projects. It would invest in Juanita Drive improvements that would add bike lanes from Kirkland city limits north to 170th Ave (Simonds Rd.). An additional project would connect Safe Routes to Schools projects together with downtown.

Issaquah Traffic Improvement Projects Bond

A $50 million bond measure that would invest in four projects across Issaquah. A highlight includes investments in two discrete projects on segments of Newport Way that would build bike lanes and/or a multi-use path parallel to the corridor.

In addition to ballot measures, Washington Bikes endorses candidates. View our 2016 General Election Candidate Endorsements

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