#30DaysofBiking: Nearing the Halfway Mark

We put the challenge out there and you responded. Tracking posts from the first 2 weeks shows people riding more places, more often, despite snapped spokes, suicidal squirrels, and other (mis)adventures.

30 People Riding for the First Time: Who’s In?

We love the alternative suggested by Matt Newport of Tacoma Bike Ranch and are hoping some of you will organize this kind of event, maybe as a fitting halfway mark or April 30 celebration to roll into National Bike Month:

Then there’s the “why #30days” view:

Meanwhile, for those who are riding and tagging, here’s what you had to say.

If you missed out on the start of 30 Days of Biking, don’t let that keep you from making your own kind of pledge to get out there and ride if that helps motivate you or gives you an excuse that might inspire a friend. Next up: National Bike Challenge during May, National Bicycle Month. Stay tuned.
(Wondering how people find out about these things? Reading our e-news is one way. Sign up now.)
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