Results WSDOT: WSDOT’s New Strategic Plan

Recently, the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) new Assistant Secretary for Community and Economic Development, Amy Scarton, asked Washington Bikes to send out the following update on WSDOT’s strategic plan. Titled Results WSDOT, the new plan contains encouraging reforms and a new direction that is explicitly multimodal. We’re excited to partner with WSDOT on next steps to ensure that biking grows and is integrated across the many lines of business of our state’s department of transportation. -bt

Dear Washington Bikes:

WSDOT Assistant Secretary for Community and Economic Development, Amy Scarton

WSDOT Assistant Secretary for Community and Economic Development, Amy Scarton

I am pleased to share with you our new strategic plan: Results WSDOT – “Setting WSDOT’s Direction.” It is our strategy for moving Washington forward. Results WSDOT calls on the agency’s employees to continue to be innovative, efficient, effective, and trustworthy in serving the needs of our customers.

One of the first things you will notice about our new strategic plan is that we took a different approach to building our roadmap. What you won’t find are pages and pages of detail, bound up in a book that sits on a shelf and gathers dust. What you will find is the first step in creating an active plan that guides WSDOT on its journey forward.

Our six goals represent what WSDOT is striving to achieve, and the outcomes that will lead us to success: Strategic Investments, Modal Integration, Environmental Stewardship, Organizational Strength, Community Engagement and Smart Technology. WSDOT’s goals support our aspiration to continue to be the best at providing a sustainable and integrated multimodal transportation system for Washingtonians. These goals align with Governor Inslee’s priorities for the state and support WSDOT’s Reforms. Our next steps will include developing implementation plans. For example, as part of Strategic Investments, WSDOT will begin work to identify strategic corridors. We will define corridor criteria based on internal and external input.

Results WSDOT represents a shift in the way we do business. It pushes us to leverage our limited resources and to engage with communities and partners. These actions will help ensure Washington has the most efficient and integrated multimodal transportation system possible, and one that utilizes all of the available system capacities. This plan will evolve as we begin to implement our strategies, measure our performance and report on our actions and achievements. Progress toward reaching our goals will be reported in the agency’s quarterly performance report, the Gray Notebook.

I will continue to share information with you as we travel along this journey.



Amy Scarton
Assistant Secretary for Community and Economic Development
Washington State Department of Transportation

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  1. […] it led to a pilot project led by WSDOT’s Assistant Secretary of Community and Economic Development, Amy Scarton, to help build non-motorized data gathering capacity at WSDOT. The project conducted by the […]