Ride Around Puget Sound to support bicycling

Thanks to Kristin Kinnamon of Marysville for submitting this post. A past board member for the Bicycle Alliance, Kristin is an active member of BIKES Club of Snohomish County and a RAPSody volunteer.

Photo credit: Carla Gramlich

Photo credit: Carla Gramlich

The Ride Around Puget Sound (RAPSody) bicycle event August 24-25 offers great food, scenic views and great value to bicyclists seeking a challenge. It’s our 10th anniversary year, and the five bike clubs that host this unique ride are adding some new twists while sticking to the formula that has made this route a favorite of Northwest bicyclists.

July 15 is the early registration deadline for the 170-mile ride which attracts cyclists from all over the U.S. Early registrants get a free 10th anniversary t-shirt. Registration remains open through August 16. The loop ride starts and ends in Tacoma, with luggage transport and free overnight indoor or outdoor camping at the half-way mark in Shelton.

RAPSody is hosted by bicyclists for bicycling – all proceeds support Washington Bikes’s statewide advocacy and education. Learn more about RAPSody at www.rapsodybikeride.com. You can read Bicycle Alliance staff member Jack Hilovsky’s recount of his first RAPSody bike ride last year.

A special shout out to the five Puget Sound bike clubs that organize this great ride: BIKES of Snohomish County, Capital Bicycling Club, Cyclists of Greater Seattle, Tacoma Wheelmen Bicycle Club, and West Sound Cycling Club.

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