Spokane Bike Board Looking for Members

There are many ways to be an effective bike advocate.  Hopefully you’re a member of Washington Bikes and respond to our calls for action with a letter, email or phone call to your elected officials.  (If not, you can join now.) Perhaps you’ve attended Transportation Advocacy Day in Olympia and met with your legislators.
Another important role for a bike advocate is to serve on his/her local bike advisory board.  And if you live in Spokane, you have an opportunity serve your community in this capacity now.
The City of Spokane is accepting applications from citizens interested in serving on the Spokane Bike Advisory Board.  Members of SBAB provide advice and direction to city council and all city departments on matters of bicycling.  The board meets monthly and SBAB members take their duties seriously as advisers and advocates.  They have their own website and Facebook pageto communicate with others who care about biking in Spokane.
If you’re interested in making Spokane a better community for riding a bike, consider applying for an open seat on the bike board.  Follow this link to an application.
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