Alley Adventure

I’m an alley cat. I enjoy exploring alleys on foot and by bike—especially the ones in my neighborhood. They have their own unique character and roaming through alleys can give you a different perspective of your neighborhood. You can discover who among your neighbors likes to garden, barbecue, raise chickens, work on cars, and more—all by wandering through alleys.

I think of an alley as the route less traveled through my neighborhood.  They often extend for many blocks. Alleys are great for foot and slow bike explorations because people seldom drive in them except to park their cars.

Some alleys are paved, some are not.

Alleys are a great place to store garbage cans, recycling bins and yard waste containers,

old cars and boats.

You might even find a Honey Bucket in an alley!

The alley side of a home is popular with gardeners.  It’s possible to spot greenhouses, vegetable patches, raised herb beds, and flower gardens on an alley exploration.  You might get lucky and spot the gardener in action as well.

Alleys function as active living spaces, especially for children, because vehicular traffic is at a minimum and travel at slow speeds.  Children learn to ride their bikes and skateboards in alleys.  It’s a place to practice your free throws, hula hoop, and have water gun battles.

When you need a break from it all, the alley might just be the perfect hangout.

The next time you head out for a neighborhood walk or bike ride, be sure to include an alley route or two.  You’re sure to learn something new about your neighborhood.  Maybe you’ll become an alley cat like me!

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  1. Rob
    Posted April 16, 2012 at 5:23 pm | Permalink

    Watch out for attack dogs! Rob Wenatchee

  2. Posted March 20, 2012 at 11:49 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for the inspiration:)

  3. Anonymous
    Posted March 19, 2012 at 8:21 pm | Permalink

    I can't wait to get home and go for an alley walk!