The Priceless Gift of Time: We Need Volunteer Help!

As 2011 draws to a close, many individuals choose to support the work of the Bicycle Alliance with a year-end contribution.  Financial gifts are vital to the health of our organization and we are grateful to the generosity of our members.

The Bicycle Alliance is also in need of volunteers who can donate the priceless gift of time.  Whether it’s a one-time commitment of a few hours or a three-month commitment to a project or an ongoing commitment to help out each month, volunteers and the time they give are valuable to us. 
We currently have the following volunteer opportunities available:
Help us move to our new Pioneer Square office space on January 7!  We need helping hands to move office furniture, files and boxes.  Contact Jay Steingold if you’re available to help out, and let him know if you have a truck or bike with trailer that could be used during the move.
Pre-Move Help.  We need some pre-move help between now and moving day with packing items, taking things to the recycling center, etc.  Contact Jay if you have a few hours to spare.
A couple of volunteers are needed with inventorying and boxing printed materials and office files in preparation for the move.  Contact Donna Govro if you can help with this task.
Driver with pickup truck.  The Bicycle Alliance is looking for a pickup truck and driver with some flexibility to move our Safe Routes to School bikes and trailer between school districts in South King County.  Ideally, we need a truck with a 2 5/16” ball mount already installed.  Otherwise, we need a truck that at least has a receiver hitch already installed and we provide the ball mount and ball.  Contact John Vander Sluis if you can help us out.
Do you like to write and have a passion for biking and active transportation issues?  The Bicycle Alliance wants to hear from you!  We are looking for individuals from all corners of the state who are willing to write stories for our blog, Bike Bites e-newsletter, and The Advocate quarterly newsletter.  Contact Louise McGrody and briefly describe your writing experience.
Join us for a volunteer work party!  We hold monthly work parties in our office to send out membership renewals, thank you letters, and other assorted office tasks.  Work parties are usually scheduled on the fourth Thursday of the month from 1-4pm.  Contact Jay Steingold for more information.
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