I Bike: Tom Radley

I met Tom Radley of Redmond in the mid 1990s when he stepped forward as an early supporter of the East Lake Sammamish Trail.  He lived on the lake at that time and, according to Tom, he dearly wanted to see the trail built.  Today, Tom is retired and rides this gem of a trail often.

Tom has enjoyed bicycling since childhood and fondly recalls earning the Cycling Merit Badge as a Boy Scout.  He rode his first STP in 1980 and became hooked on long distance riding and touring.  Although retired from full time work, Tom leads rides for Adventure Cycling Association.  He gets “tremendous satisfaction from helping others enjoy and be motivated to do human powered travel.”

Tom bikes for many reasons–health, recreation, exercise and transportation.  Most of his vacations the past 30 years have been by bicycle.

“You see much more on a bike and the experience is so much richer. You use all your senses at once to fully soak in the environment,” said Tom.  “And when you see other cyclists on the road, they are always smiling!” he added.

Tell us your story!  I Bike is a project of Washington Bikes to put a personal face on bicycling when we talk to elected officials and the public.  Contact Louise McGrody if you’d like to share your I Bike story.

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