Remembering Susie Stephens

It’s hard to believe, but March marked the tenth anniversary of Susie Stephens’ death.

For those not acquainted with her, Susie was a former Executive Director for Washington Bikes and the Alliance for Biking & Walking (formerly the Thunderhead Alliance).  She was a mover and shaker on the national bicycle scene, and a legend in her own time.

I remember Susie especially today because it would have been her birthday — and Susie loved her birthday!  She liked to organize a party to celebrate her birthday and once confessed to me that she did this because she was afraid that no one else would remember it.  Fat chance!

Susie’s legacy lives on in many ways, but perhaps her greatest contribution was branding the work of bicycle advocacy as a national movement and giving this movement a song.  The video clip below is a testimonial to her ability to rally and inspire others.

Happy birthday, Susie.


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