2014 National 5th Grade Bicycle Poster Contest
Thank you to everyone around the state who participated in the 2014 Washington State 5th Grade Bicycle Poster Contest! Over 100 students participated creating beautiful and inspiring posters.
The contest asked 5th grade students in Washington State to create a poster inspired by the quote: “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” – John F. Kennedy. Schools held their own contest to select their entry for the state contest. The school winners were submitted to Washington Bikes to compete in the state contest.
1st Place for Washington State
Ashley Vaile
Tukes Valley Middle School
Battle Ground, WA
2nd Place for Washington State
Gianna Waleske
Ft. Colville Elementary
Colville, WA
3rd Place for Washington State
Jon Daracunas
Dry Creek Elementary
Port Angeles, WA
School Winner for Kiona-Benton Elementary
Ruvim Ilin
Kiona-Benton Elementary
Benton City, WA
School Winner for Illahee Elementary School
Jeremy Schadler
Illahee Elementary School
Camas, WA
People’s Choice Award
Maizie Tucker
Dry Creek Elementary
Port Angeles, WA
The Winner from each school:
- a 1-year membership for their family to Washington Bikes.
Fifth and Fourth Place:
- the above mentioned prizes
- poster featured on note cards made for Washington Bikes and for sale in our shop
- a set of the specialty NOTE CARDS
Third Place:
- the above mentioned prizes
- a HELMET from Lazer Sport
Second Place:
- the above mentioned prizes
- a LIGHT from Planet Bike
First Place:
- the above mentioned prizes
- a BICYCLE from Schwinn
People’s Choice Award:

Just be yourself on wheels poster by BikeyFace
During the months of April and May (Bike to School Month), all poster entries were on display at our Pioneer Square Seattle office. Members of the public voted on their favorite posters for the People’s Choice Award. The winning poster will receive:
- “Just be yourself on wheels” POSTER by BikeyFace
- poster featured on note cards made for Washington Bikes and for sale in our shop
- a set of the specialty NOTE CARDS
- a 1-year membership for their family to Washington Bikes.
The first place winner from Washington State is entered into the national contest. Voting for the national winner will take place between April 10th and 15th on Saris’ Facebook page. One national winner will receive a three day/two night trip for two (parent or guardian and child) to Washington DCduring the 2015 National Bike Summit (airfare, food stipend, and lodging included).
The national winning school will receive bike parking for 20 bikes and The Hub System. The Hub is an active transportation tracking system. The Hub makes it easy, fun, and educational for a school to implement a walking & biking incentive program.
- Only one winner from each school will be eligible to compete in the State contest.
- Entry must be original artwork created by a student who is currently in the fifth grade. A student may enter the contest only once.
- The student’s first and last name must be written or signed in the lower right-hand corner on the back of the poster.
- Design:
- Poster may be done in marker, crayon, paint pens, watercolor, ink, acrylic, colored pencil, and/or tempera paint.
- Collages are not acceptable. (Do not glue anything on your poster).
- Computer or photo generated art and/or printing is not acceptable.
- Entries should not display the names of commercial products, companies or organizations.
- Entry must be no smaller than 8½ x 11” and no larger than 14 x 18”.
- Entry must be done on paper that will allow for duplication, display and framing.
- The quote “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” – John F. Kennedy, must be on the poster. All words must be spelled correctly.
- Entry should not be matted, mounted, laminated, framed or folded. Poster may be rolled and mailed in a mailing tube.
- Submit entry by March 7th to Seth Schromen-Wawrin at Washington Bikes. Mail posters to 314 First Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104.
- A completed Permission Slip must be attached to the back of the winning poster.
The contest was put on in partnership with Saris Cycling Group, a manufacturer of bicycle racks and cycling training products. Thank you to Schwinn, Lazer Sport, and Planet Bike for donating prizes for the contest.
During Bike to School Month in May, all entries from 2014 were on display in our office in Pioneer Square, Seattle. You can view the winners from the 2013 contest here and learn about this year’s contest here.