2025 Mid-Session Legislative Update

We’ve now passed several key milestones in the 2025 legislative session, and the Senate and House Transportation Budgets will be rolled out Monday, March 24.

Here’s a quick summary of where we are:

  • House of origin bill cutoff was March 12, and bills that were not voted out their respective chambers died. WA Bikes priority bills – to make some trail gaps easier to build (HB1814), and advancing the safe systems approach (SB5581) were both voted out of their respective chambers before the deadline!
  • HB1814 had a hearing in the Senate Environment and Technology Committee this past Friday. Over 1000 people signed in pro to this bill, which would clear a log-jam in completing Seattle’s Burke Gilman Missing Link by exempting it from the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA). Opponents to completing the trail have abused SEPA for years in service of delaying the trail, arguing legal technicalities in a string of appeals.
  • For SB5581 safe systems approach strategies, a companion bill was introduced into the house earlier this session and is awaiting vote out of committee.
  • On Feb 11 & 12, Washington Bikes hosted Bike Day on the Hill – meeting with more than 30 legislators from 14 different districts, sharing personal stories of biking in our communities to advocate WA Bikes legislative agenda. Thank you to all who attended!

A full rundown of the WA Bikes legislative agenda

Priority: Retain Existing Program Funding That Communities Rely On

  • Bills and budgets that retain Climate Commitment Act (CCA) dollars for intended uses:
    The Senate and House will release their first budgets later this month and we anticipate making a strong push to protect the bike/walk programs and projects in response to large budget shortfalls.
    A couple of potentially damaging bills that would have redirected CCA funding to other uses are now dead!
  • Full funding (per Move Ahead WA) for the following critical programs:
    Safe Routes to School grant program
    Bike/Ped grant program
    Statewide Bike Education program
    Sandy Williams Connecting Communities grant program
    The Senate and House will release their first budgets later this month.

Priority: Build Out The Trails Network Faster

  • HB1814: Streamlining certain decisions pertaining to the development or extension of a trail or path from the state environmental policy act. This bill passed the House! We have a hearing in the Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee. We are working with Tribal partners who come forward with concerns and questions.
  • Cycle highways concept; further funding, including for trails that will meet program goals. This would be brought forward in the budget process. The Senate and House will release their first budgets later this month.

Priority: Stem The Transportation Safety Crisis in Washington

  • SB5581: Implementing safe system approach strategies for active transportation infrastructure. This bill passed the Senate! A companion bill was introduced and received a hearing in the House (HB 1992).
  • Proposals to improve Washington’s most deadly main street highways to work for all users
    We are supporting the Transportation Choices Coalition on this bill. This would come forward in the budget process.

    WA Bikes advocates met with legislators in 14 districts, including Rep. Penner in D31 (top) and Rep. Salahuddin in D48 (bottom).
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