National Bike Challenge Kicks Off!

This post was prepared by intern Scott Chilberg.

The 2012 Get Up and Ride National Bike Challenge kicked off on May 1 and 324 Washington bicyclists logged in nearly 4800 miles last week!  It’s not too late to sign up! You can set up an account at any point in the Challenge, so just because it’s already started doesn’t mean you’ve missed your chance to join in! See our previous posts hereand herefor a reminder of the rules and the procedure for setting up an account.
Many of you are already participating in local bike challenges in honor of May being National Bike Month, and there’s no reason why you can’t count those miles toward the National Bike Challenge as well. There are all kinds of ways to participate, whether you decide to bike every day as your primary means of transportation or  ride recreationally a few times a month. In fact, we’d love to hear your personal story! Send an email to Louise McGrody and describe your Bike Challenge experiences – how you’ve chosen to participate, what motivates you to bike, or even just a personal anecdote related to biking – and we might post your story on our blog.
So, if you haven’t already, register for the Bike Challenge, download the smartphone app, and start cycling!
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