National Bike to Work Day is the third Friday in May. In 2011 it falls on May 20th.
Communities across the Nation will be celebrating the day by providing treats and prizes to people on two wheels.
For the most part, you can look for a ‘celebration station’ or ‘commuter station’ depending on what your community calls it. These stations are typically stocked with yummy treats like bagels, scones, fruit or cookies. You can also find small prizes like patch kits, stickers, and other bicycle related swag. Cheering, cow bell ringing volunteers will great you with a smile and perhaps a hot cup of coffee. Like I said, it varies by community, so check out what your town is doing and be sure to bike on May 20th.
Bellingham-Whatcom County
Celebrate Bike to Work & School Day on May 20 with more than 30 public celebration locations around the county and 35 school based celebration stations. Check out their website for locations and more information
West Sound Cycling Club is organizing a commute station near the Washington State Ferry terminal for Bike to Work Day on May 20.
Snohomish County
Snohomish County Bike to Work includes Bike to Work Day celebration stations on May 20. Check the Bike to Work Month page at Community Transit website.
Spokane Bikes is celebrating on Wednesday May 18 (6:30 – 9am): Morning Energizer Stations
locations can be found here.
Seattle-King County
Cascade Bicycle Club and F5 bring you Bike to Work Day check out their website for information and locations of their commute stations.
Thurston County
Thurston County is celebrating Bike to Work and School Day. Go to their website for more information.
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In Pierce County, we'll be celebrating a successful Bike Month with a Bike Commuter Picnic and Fashion Show, sponsored by Downtown on the Go on Friday, May 20th at Pierce Transit Theater Square (Broadway St. between S. 9th and 11th Ave. Tacoma, WA)from 11:30AM-1:00PM. Watch local cyclists strut their stuff on the catwalk during the Bike Fashion Show! More info is available at: http://www.piercetrips.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20