Teaching traffic school attendees to safely interact with bikes and pedestrians a legislative priority for the Bicycle Alliance

Washington Bikes wants motorists in traffic school courses to be taught how to safely interact with bicyclists and pedestrians.
HB 1129, introduced this week by Representative Brad Klippert of Kennewick, would incorporate bicycle and pedestrian traffic safety curriculum in traffic schools.  Many cities and counties offer traffic school courses to motorists who have committed traffic-related offenses as a condition of deferral, sentence or penalty.
The Department of Licensing approved curriculum was developed by the Bicycle Alliance and is a requirement in drivers education programs in Washington State.  The Bicycle Alliance would make the curriculum available at no cost to traffic schools.
“Teaching drivers how to safely interact with bicyclists and pedestrians has only been a part of drivers education for a few years,” stated Bicycle Alliance Policy Director Dave Janis.  “Incorporating the curriculum into traffic schools gives us an opportunity to reach drivers who most likely did not receive this training previously.”
Washington Bikes advocates for bicyclists and a bike-friendly state.  Information on this bill and other legislative priorities supported by them can be found at wabikes.org.
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One Comment

  1. Posted January 15, 2011 at 8:01 pm | Permalink

    This is terrific, important, and will hopefully make a big difference.