Bellingham Tweed Ride

On Sunday November 14 cyclists in Bellingham stepped back in time. A group of about 70 riders dressed in their finest vintage threads to ride their cruisers through town in the first annual tweed ride. The ride, which was organized by Collen Milton, owner of Bellingham’s Black Market Boutique was just an idea a month ago. She managed to pull off an amazingly fun and well attended ride in just a few short weeks.

The rain held off for most of the afternoon, however we did have a light drizzle towards the end. We rode about 10 miles through town, touring historic neighborhoods, new trails and parks. All were welcome to ride, kids and adults, costumed or not. We even had a City Councilman join us!

All in all it was a fun day. I have heard of other tweed rides throughout the Country, but had yet to experience one. It has given me ideas for other rides we could do: a plaid ride, a hippy ride, and as one friend suggested, a cape ride. I can’t wait for next years tweed ride, I’m already planning my outfit. For more pictures check out this Facebook photo album.

What other types of themed rides have people gone on? Does the idea of dressing up inspire you to ride?
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