Take Action: Tell Congress Biking & Trails are Priorities in WA

Today the U.S. House of Representatives officially kicks off debate on the chamber’s long-term highway and transit bill today. Key amendments threaten Washington State’s priorities for biking and trails. Take Action today!

Last night the rules of debate were sent and the House of Representatives has begun debate on over one hundred amendments to the proposed surface transportation bill. With hopes to wrap up the debate and votes by Thursday, time is of the essence for you to let your U.S. Representative know that biking and trails matter!

Just last week the Transportation Committee, led by Chairman Shuster (R-PA) and Ranking Member DeFazio (D-OR), passed the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act (STRRA). This bill includes a carefully constructed agreement on bicycling and walking funding that we support.  It maintains funding streams for biking infrastructure projects, and it maintains the local control aspects and competitive processes that have made the transportation alternatives program effective.

Rep. Carter (R-Georgia) and Yoho (R-Florida) have introduced amendments that undermine that agreement. Rep Carter now has one amendment. It opens up the transportation alternatives funding to road and bridge projects.

Representative Yoho’s amendment would make the Recreational Trails Program ineligible for non-motorized transportation funding. This means money for ATVs but not for hiking and mountain bikes.

Go to the League of American Bicyclists action center today to take action!

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