Act Now
You can help us grow bicycling in your community and across Washington by taking action today!
- Action Alerts: Check here for issues that require action.
- Subscribe to Email: Subscribe to our list to receive e-newsletters, action alerts and other occasional updates directly in your email box.
- Volunteer: Help with activities in the office, at events anywhere in the state that the Bicycle Alliance should have a presence, or through your own creative ideas for ways to grow bicycling.
- Become a Member: Our members are our strength! When we represent you in Olympia, help your local bike organization grow, or bring a Safe Routes to School training to teachers in your area, it’s because members like you help fund the people who make it possible.
- Get a Plate: Show your bike pride and watch your dollars benefit safety, education and advocacy efforts around the state. You also become a Bicycle Alliance member and help make sure that Washington bikes!
- Socialize with Us: Like us on Facebook. follow us on Twitter, and tell all your friends about the Bicycle Alliance!