Spokane Office
The Spokane office of Washington Bikes serves as a point of contact and communications hub for bike advocates in eastern Washington to help grow bicycling in the Inland Northwest.
Spokane/Eastern Washington Staff
Kate Johnston
School and Family Programs Coordinator
Some of Our Activities
- Coordinate school and family programs in Spokane County under grant-funded partnerships
- Volunteers wanted for Walking School Bus and Bike Train programs in selected elementary schools
- Monitor bike-related issues at the local and regional level
- Put out regular e-mail communications with news, events, and volunteer opportunities
- To be on our list, sign up for our e-news
- Submit news to Kate
- For events, submit them to our online calendar and let Kate know about them
- Distribute bike safety education materials at community events and through other organizations
- To receive copies of our bike law card, “Share the Trail” etiquette card, and other materials, contact Kate
- Connect local bike advocates with resources and expertise from all WA Bikes staff