Colfax-Albion-Pullman Trail Concept Workshops Dec. 7 and 8

A series of public workshops to gather opinions on the future of  the Colfax-Albion-Pullman (CAP) rail corridor are under way and the public is encouraged to attend. The corridor is currently property of the state and managed by the Washington State Dept. of Transportation, which has determined that the corridor is no longer needed for rail purposes. WSDOT would like to get public input on three possible options for the future of the corridor:

1) the corridor is abandoned and the public right-of-way disposed of,

2) the corridor is railbanked, in which the option for future rail use is preserved and another agency assumes responsibility for the corridor with the allowance of trail use in the interim, or

3) the state maintains responsibility for the corridor, the option for future rail use is preserved but a trail or other public use is not allowed for.

Workshops were held in Pullman Nov. 2 and on the WSU campus Nov. 3. Two more are coming up:

Colfax December 7 at 6:00 p.m. in The Center at 110 S. Main

Albion December 8 at 5:30 the Community Center upstairs

Come to one or both of these workshops to meet your neighbors and be part of the community conversation to help guide the future of the region. 

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