Take Action: Make a Difference for the Next Generation of Biking

Let you representative know today that you want better biking in Washington state.

Let you representative know today that you want better biking in Washington state.

Right now in the House of Representatives budget negotiations are in full swing to spend billions of additional dollars on transportation.

Unfortunately, there’s a good chance that little to no new money will go to walking and biking connections and programs to help children walk and bike to school with the safety they deserve.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Tell your Representative to make a difference for a generation by prioritizing funding for Safe Routes to School and Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Mobility investments.

Across America and around the world, leaders are prioritizing safer biking and walking because these investments are integral to building stronger economies, healthier communities, and transportation connections that work for you. Washington state leaders have the opportunity to prioritize these investments too, but they need to hear from you today.

This is real funding that will make a real difference toward providing everyone with the freedom to safely bike to get where they need to go. We can’t afford to miss this opportunity to invest for today’s children and generations to come.

Take action NOW to tell your Representative investments in safe, healthy transportation matter for you and for all of us.

At current funding levels, three of every four Safe Routes to School safety improvement applications go unfunded, leaving our most vulnerable most at risk. We’re asking legislators for $30 million per year with additional projects identified to jump-start these investments so people from 8 to 80 have safe connections to bike and walk.

This is our chance to make big things happen for biking and walking, but only if you speak up now.

Take one minute and tell your legislators today!

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One Comment

    Posted April 9, 2015 at 11:41 am | Permalink

    I & my wife pay taxes (lots of taxes) and expect transportation bills to be spread around the whole population. We ride to work and the state of the roads for bikes is abysmal with pot holes, few bike lanes and speeding motorists making it a dangerous journey. I urge you spend more money on making the roads and sidewalks safer for all citizens, which will result in healthier people for the future. Remember each cyclist or pedestrian is one less car polluting or choking up the system.