Nominate Your Local Bicycle Improvement Project!

Thanks for taking the time to submit a project for the statewide project list we’re compiling. Eventually we will compile and publish the entire list. It will keep evolving over time as projects are completed (and celebrated) and new ones developed. With your help we will keep making the case for more funding for bicycle infrastructure to develop the active transportation system of the future.

This form is in three parts. We need to have the basics to put something on the list at all. If you’re able to provide more detail with additional background and links to more sources, that’s great. If you want to do even more drilldown into the world of transportation policy and tell us what the project accomplishes, that’s even better, but it’s absolutely not necessary for getting the project on the list.

The Basics

Include starting/ending intersections or other identifying information to help locate it on a map (and GPS coordinates if you have them)

Maximum file size: 516MB

Optional Fields:

Provide links to plans, studies, reports, and/or news coverage if you have them. (Do you have photos, videos, or anecdotes that illustrate the need for the project and that you can make available?)

More Detail (Click to expand)

Even More Drilldown (Click to expand)

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about a project that making riding a bicycle in Washington even better. Watch our blog, Facebook page, and Twitter and sign up for our email newsletter to receive updates on our work to increase funding for bike projects and pass legislation to improve bicycling statewide.