Earthshare Washington

Workplace Giving & Earth Share of Washington

Workplace giving is a means by which employees donate to charitable organizations of their choice, primarily through payroll pledges. Donations through payroll pledges enable Washington Bikes to spend less time fundraising and more time working toward a healthier environment.

How to Give at Your Workplace:

Here are 2 ways you can give to Washington Bikes through your workplace giving campaign:

Why donate via payroll deduction?

Do you organize your workplace’s charitable giving campaign?

Do you want to help increase contributions to the Bicycle Alliance? Below you will find “toolkit” of information and tips on running a successful giving program. Be sure to check out EarthShare’s resources page for articles, posters, quiz questions, and more!

Making sure employees at your company have a chance to support EarthShare Washington (ESW) and also donate to the Alliance through pre-tax payroll deduction! Just follow the steps below:

  1. First, check ESW’s Workplace Partners page to see if your company has an EarthShare Washington campaign.
  2. If your company doesn’t have an ESW campaign, please e-mail ESW and we will send you information on starting one.
  3. If your company does have an ESW campaign, thank you! Please contact ESW if you would like to receive promotional materials, our monthly newsletter, or to schedule an EarthShare Washington speaker.