Share the Road License Plate FAQs

Q: How do I purchase a Share the Road license plate?
A: Follow these 3 easy steps:
- Download a Special License Plate Application [PDF].
- Fill out the application.
- Mail or take the completed application to your vehicle licensing office to purchase your plate.
[Note: the procedure for purchasing a personalized “Share the Road” plate is slightly different. See Personalized STR Frequently Asked Questions for more info.]
Q: How do I renew my plates?
A: There are no special requirements for the renewal of the Share the Road license plate. The $30 renewal fee for your Share the Road plate will be automatically included in your next year’s registration fee. Your renewal options include:
- Renew through Bicycle Alliance Concierge Service, contact, or call 206-224-9252, Ext 306.
- Renew online: At Vehicle and Vessel Tab Renewal
- Renew in-person: Visit a vehicle licensing office.
- Renew through the mail: Follow instructions on your vehicle renewal notice
Q: How do I know if I need to pay fees beyond the cost of the plate?
A: To determine the total cost to purchase a specific plate design, please contact your local vehicle licensing office.
Q: Can I purchase Share the Road license plates for all of my vehicles? What kind of vehicles can I purchase an STR plate for?
A: Yes. DOL will issue plate(s) to any vehicle registered in your name.
The Share the Road license plate is available for registered passenger vehicles, light duty pickups, motorcycles and trailers. For vehicles requiring 2 plates, you will be issued 2 plates. If you are licensing a motorcycle or trailer, you will receive one plate.
While you cannot get state-issued Share the Road license plate for your bicycle, you CAN buy a personalized miniplate for your bike.
Q: Will the Share the Road plate(s) be given out upon initial purchase?
A: No. Plate(s) will be mailed from the Olympia Headquarters Licensing Office within two business days of your application being processed in your local vehicle licensing office.
Q: How much do the Share the Road plates cost? Is the cost of purchasing one tax-deductible?
A: The original cost to purchase a Share the Road plate is $67.75 for cars and trucks, $49.75 for motorcycles, and $55.75 for trailers, plus all applicable licensing fees such as tab renewal, regional fees and service fees that may apply. To determine the total cost, contact your local vehicle licensing office.
$28 of the initial and annual plate renewal fee is tax-deductible. This is the amount that goes directly to the Bicycle Alliance’s safety and education programs. Contact the Bicycle Alliance to receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation. Share the Road Plate Tax Deduction Info
Q: What does it cost to renew my specialty plate each year?
A: When the vehicle registration becomes due, you will need to pay an additional $30.00 to keep the Share the Road plate(s) on your vehicle even if you have not had the plate(s) for a full year. $28 of the fee will benefit Bicycle Alliance programs.
Q: When will I know what Share the Road plate number I will be issued? Will plates be issued numerically in the order in which they are applied for?
A: Once you have paid for your new plate, a new registration will be printed that will identify your new license plate number. Plate numbers are assigned sequentially and automatically by the Department of Licensing computer system. No vehicle licensing agent can override the Department of Licensing’s computer system to give a specific number; all plates are assigned in numerical order.
Q: Do I need anything special to purchase this plate?
A: If you apply in person, you must provide your Washington State Driver’s License or Identification card with your current vehicle registration. You may also be required to complete an Address Verification form, if the department has not previously verified your current vehicle record address.
Q: Can I purchase a new plate even if my vehicle tabs are not due to be renewed?
A: Yes. You can purchase a new plate at any point during your registration period. However, your registration renewal date does not change and your special plate fee will be valid for less than one year. It is cheaper to buy the plates and renew your tabs at the same time than to buy the plates and later renew tabs close to expiring.
Q: Can I buy a Share the Road plate as a gift for someone else?
A: No, not unless you and the recipient are both registered owners of the vehicle that will bear these plates.
Q: What happens to the special plates when I sell my vehicle?
A: If you sell your vehicle and purchase a new vehicle, you may pay a transfer fee and transfer the plates to your new vehicle. If you choose not to transfer your Share the Road plates, you may leave them on the vehicle and the new vehicle owner will take possession of those plates with the purchase of the vehicle. The new owner will be responsible for paying the annual renewal fee.
Q: Can I personalize my Share the Road special license plate? If so, how many characters can I have on the Personalized plate and are there any restrictions? How much does it cost?
A: Yes, now the Department of Licensing permits you to personalize a special license plate. To find out what you can put on your Share the Road plate and how to get it, read the FAQs below or check out the Department of Licensing FAQ page.
You may get personalized license plates with 1-7 characters (letters, numbers, hyphens, or spaces). Motorcycle and small trailer plates may have up to 6 characters. License plates cannot contain unusual characters (#, %, &, @, +, !,etc.). Plates suggesting vulgar, racial, ethnic, or indecent messages will not be issued.
To see if the plate configuration you want is available, look up personalized plates.
If you already have a personalized plate, you are required to pay $47.75 plus a service fee may apply. If you do not have a personalized or special background plate yet, you will pay $87.75.
Q: How much will I pay each year to keep my personalized Share the Road license plate when I renew my tabs?
A: In addition to your registration tab fees, each year you must pay the $30 personalized plate renewal fee and the $30 special plate renewal fee.
Q: If I already have a personalized plate, can I put that message on a Share the Road license plate?
A: Yes. If you already have a personalized plate you can pay the appropriate fees and add your message to a Share the Road plate.
Q: Where can I purchase a personalized Share the Road license plate?
A: If you already have a standard personalized plate: Visit your local vehicle licensing office to add the message to a Share the Road plate.
A: If you do not have a personalized plate:
- Check to make sure the personalized plate you want is available and that the combination of characters is acceptable.
- Complete a Personalized License Plate Application Form.
- Submit your application and licensing fees. You may:
Take your application and a check or money order to your local vehicle licensing office OR mail your application with a check or money order to:
Department of Licensing
Vehicle Licensing
PO Box 9043
Olympia, WA 98507-9909